Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Change Shell To Bash

For those of us that are stuck working in Solaris environments with either csh or ksh as the default shell, there is hope. Some of these environments have the chsh command to change shells, but for those that don't, here is how to change your shell to bash. First of all, make sure it is available on your system. It's typically found in /bin/bash. If it's there, you can edit your ~/.profile to make it run the new shell when you login.
IMPORTANT: Before doing this, open two separate shells. Keeping one open and unaltered is a good way to recover if something goes wrong in this process. If you break something and can't log in, you may piss off your system admin when you have to call him to fix it for you. Leave one of these open shells alone during this process.
In one of your open shells, add the following two lines to the bottom of your ~/.profile.
export SHELL=/bin/bash
exec $SHELL
You can now log out of that shell and back in again to see if it worked. If so, all went well and you can close the other shell. If not, use your "safety" shell to repair your ~/.profile so that you can log in again.

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

How to check an open port on Solaris

One of The Solaris operating system command is "netstat" , this tools function is to show the status of network activity, including open ports. When used alone, the "netstat -an" command will show all the open ports on the system. The "-a" option shows the state of all the ports. The "-n" option shows the network addresses as numbers rather than symbols. Combined with the "grep" command, you can see the status of a specific port.(use --help for complete detail )

Here is the example how to use it :
  • ·         Type the command "netstat -an" to obtain a list of all the open ports.  
  • ·         Type the command "netstat -an | grep 8080" to determine whether port "8080" is open.
  • ·         You can replace "8080" with any specific port that you are looking for
  • ·         Type the command "exit" to close the terminal session.

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