Kamis, 21 November 2019

clear dhcp server binding on Juniper (JunOS)


content_copy zoom_out_map
clear dhcp server binding
<interface interface-name>
<logical-system logical-system-name>
<routing-instance routing-instance-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.
Options interfaces-vlan and interfaces-wildcard added in Junos OS Release 12.1.
Command updated with dual-stack statement in Junos OS Release 17.3.


Clear the binding state of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client from the client table on the extended DHCP local server.
If you delete the DHCP server configuration, DHCP server bindings might still remain. To ensure that DHCP bindings are removed, issue the clear dhcp server binding command before you delete the DHCP server configuration.


address(Optional) Clear the binding state for the DHCP client, using one of the following entries:
  • ip-address—The specified IP address.
  • mac-address—The specified MAC address.
  • session-id—The specified session ID.
all(Optional) Clear the binding state for all DHCP clients.
interface interface-name(Optional) Clear the binding state for DHCP clients on the specified interface.
This option clears all bindings whose initial login requests were received over the specified interface. Dynamic demux login requests are not received over the dynamic demux interface, but rather the underlying interface of the dynamic demux interface. To clear a specific dynamic demux interface, use the ip-address or mac-address options.
interfaces-vlan(Optional) Clear the binding state on the interface VLAN ID and S-VLAN ID.
interfaces-wildcard(Optional) Clear bindings on a set of interfaces. This option supports the use of the wildcard character (*).
logical-system logical-system-name(Optional) Clear the binding state for DHCP clients on the specified logical system.
routing-instance routing-instance-name(Optional) Clear the binding state for DHCP clients on the specified routing instance.
dual-stack(Optional) Remove either both arms or single arm of dual-stack.
  • The dual-stack command is added in the syntax removes both arms of the dual-stack with a single command entry.
  • When the dual-stack command is not added in the syntax, the clear dhcpv6 server binding command clears only the family specific arm of the dual-stack.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

clear dhcp server binding <ip-address>
clear dhcp server binding all
clear dhcp server binding interface
clear dhcp server binding <interfaces-vlan>
clear dhcp server binding <interfaces-wildcard>
clear dhcp server binding dual-stack all

Output Fields

See show dhcp server binding for an explanation of output fields.

Sample Output

clear dhcp server binding <ip-address>
The following sample output displays the address bindings in the DHCP client table on the extended DHCP local server before and after the clear dhcp server binding command is issued.
user@host> show dhcp server binding
content_copy zoom_out_map
2 clients, (0 bound, 0 selecting, 0 renewing, 0 rebinding)

IP address       Hardware address   Type     Lease expires at      00:00:5e:00:53:01  active   2007-01-17 11:38:47 PST      00:00:5e:00:53:02  active   2007-01-17 11:38:41 PST

user@host> clear dhcp server binding
content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp server binding
content_copy zoom_out_map
1 clients, (0 bound, 0 selecting, 0 renewing, 0 rebinding)

IP address       Hardware address   Type     Lease expires at      00:00:5e:00:53:02  active   2007-01-17 11:38:41 PST

clear dhcp server binding all
The following command clears all DHCP local server bindings:
user@host> clear dhcp server binding all
content_copy zoom_out_map
clear dhcp server binding interface
The following command clears DHCP local server bindings on a specific interface:
user@host> clear dhcp server binding interface fe-0/0/2
content_copy zoom_out_map
clear dhcp server binding <interfaces-vlan>
The following command uses the interfaces-vlan option to clear all DHCP local server bindings on top of the underlying interface ae0, which clears DHCP bindings on all demux VLANs on top of ae0:
user@host> clear dhcp server binding ae0
content_copy zoom_out_map
clear dhcp server binding <interfaces-wildcard>
The following command uses the interfaces-wildcard option to clear all DHCP local server bindings over a specific interface:
user@host> clear dhcp server binding ge-1/0/0.*
content_copy zoom_out_map
clear dhcp server binding dual-stack all
The following command clears all the dual-stack local server bindings.
user@host> clear dhcp server binding dual-stack all

Selasa, 12 November 2019

Setting Mesin absensi Solution X103C

Untuk memulai setting awal pada mesin ansensi X103c ini silahkan menekan agak lama tombol M/OK, hingga muncul menu dengan icon User, Comm, System dan lain-lain.
Selanjutnya pilih menu User dengan tombol M/OK.
Silahkan membuat user baru misal:
No Id=1
Pwd silahkan isi dengan 4 angka, kemudian rulenya pilih Admin.
Silahkan simpan user baru ini.
Untuk selanjutnya saat anda masuk ke menu utama dengan menekan agak lama tombol M/OK maka akan ditanyakan username dan password ini.
Web server default ada di dan silahkan login dengan username dan password yang baru saja dibuat tersebut.
Untuk mengganti IP Address dari device silahkan masuk ke menu Comm – Jaringan.
Untuk melakukan setting communication key yang akan dipakai dalam konektifitas silahkan masuk menu Comm – Keamanan